Showing only posts in Misc. Show all posts. and scam

I just recently received a small XLM transaction with the memos:

  • Airdrop invite✅
  • Airdrop invite✅
  • Airdrop invite✅

Two of the links redirected to scammy

For those Googling this: It is a scam! Your wallet's private key is something that allows stealing all of your funds, it is never-ever needed for delivering an airdrop. Please don't paste it into the webpage.

Posted by TaaviE on in Misc. updated Tags: XLM scam.

Weird quirk in ReST with code blocks

In some weird cases (I've been unable to determine so far) Pelican will throw you a generic error about an unexpected unident in your code block like this:

ERROR: Could not process inputfile.rst
            | SystemMessage: /inputfolder/inputfile.rst:55: (WARNING/2) Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

Turns out that in order to fix it, you have to have an empty line before the beginning of the code block (in addition to the one in front of it), then it gets parsed correctly. Seriously annoying caveat if you're new to ReST.